Inspired by (STAT E-100, Fall 2015)

> options(warn=-1) # warnings from `library` are annoying
> options(device="png") # instead of Rplots.pdf
> out <- capture.output(suppressMessages(library("mosaic")))
> # conduct analyses of Titanic data
> # frequency table of counts with marginal totals
> tally(~Survived, format = "count", data = Titanic, margins = TRUE)

   No   Yes Total 
  618   427  1045 
> # bar graph of survival
> bargraph(~Survived, data = Titanic)

> # frequency table of propotions with marginal totals
> tally(~Survived, format = "proportion", data = Titanic, margins = TRUE)

   No   Yes Total 
 0.59  0.41  1.00 
> # frequency table of percentages with marginal totals
> tally(~Survived, format = "percent", data = Titanic, margins = TRUE)

   No   Yes Total 
   59    41   100 
> # pie chart of survival
> pie(tally(~Survived, format = "count", data = Titanic))

> # contingency table of counts
> tally(~Class + Survived, format = "count", margins=TRUE, data = Titanic)
Class      No  Yes Total
  Lower   369  131   500
  Middle  146  115   261
  Upper   103  181   284
  Total   618  427  1045
> # contingency table of proportions without conditioning
> tally(~Class + Survived, format = "proportion", margins=TRUE, data = Titanic)
Class       No   Yes Total
  Lower  0.353 0.125 0.478
  Middle 0.140 0.110 0.250
  Upper  0.099 0.173 0.272
  Total  0.591 0.409 1.000
> # contingency table of percentages without conditioning,
> tally(~Class + Survived, format = "percent", margins=TRUE, data = Titanic)
Class       No   Yes Total
  Lower   35.3  12.5  47.8
  Middle  14.0  11.0  25.0
  Upper    9.9  17.3  27.2
  Total   59.1  40.9 100.0
> # conditioning on survival
> # Of those who survived, what percentage were in the lower class? (31%)
> tally(~Class | Survived, format = "percent", data = Titanic, margins=TRUE)
Class     No Yes
  Lower   60  31
  Middle  24  27
  Upper   17  42
  Total  100 100
> # conditioning on passenger class
> # Of those in the lower class, what percent survived? (26%)
> tally(~Survived | Class, format = "percent", data = Titanic, margins=TRUE)
Survived Lower Middle Upper
   No       74     56    36
   Yes      26     44    64
   Total   100    100   100
> # Dodged Bar Graph: Survival with Class Subgroups
> bargraph(~Survived, groups=Class, auto.key=TRUE, data=Titanic)

> # Dodged Bar Graph: Class with Survival Subgroups
> bargraph(~Class, groups=Survived, auto.key=TRUE, data=Titanic)

> # Stacked Bar Graph: Survival with Class Subgroups
> bargraph(~Survived, groups=Class, auto.key=TRUE, stack=TRUE, data=Titanic)

> # Stacked Bar Graph: Class with Survival Subgroups
> bargraph(~Class, groups=Survived, auto.key=TRUE, stack=TRUE, data=Titanic)

> # Unconditional Distribution of Survival and Conditional Distributions of Class
> mosaicplot(~Survived + Class, color=TRUE, data=Titanic)

> # Distributions of class conditional on survival
> tally(~Class | Survived, format = "percent", data = Titanic, margins=TRUE)
Class     No Yes
  Lower   60  31
  Middle  24  27
  Upper   17  42
  Total  100 100
> # Unconditional Distribution of Class and Conditional Distributions of Survival
> mosaicplot(~Class + Survived, color=TRUE, data=Titanic)

> # Distributions of survival conditional on class
> tally(~Survived | Class, format = "percent", data = Titanic, margins=TRUE)
Survived Lower Middle Upper
   No       74     56    36
   Yes      26     44    64
   Total   100    100   100

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