List brokers

murphy:NetBeans pdurbin$ glassfish4/mq/bin/imqcmd -u admin -passfile <(echo imq.imqcmd.password=admin) list bkr
Warning [A2016]: Unencoded name=value entry found in passfile /dev/fd/63. Please run 'imqusermgr encode' before use the passfile. Support of passfile that has unencoded name=value entries will be removed in a future release.

Listing all the brokers in the cluster that the following broker is a member of:

Host         Primary Port
localhost    7676

Cluster ID                    
Cluster is Highly Available   false

     Address          State  
-----------------------------   OPERATING

Successfully listed brokers in the cluster.

List destinations

murphy:NetBeans pdurbin$ glassfish4/mq/bin/imqcmd -u admin -passfile <(echo imq.imqcmd.password=admin) list dst
Warning [A2016]: Unencoded name=value entry found in passfile /dev/fd/63. Please run 'imqusermgr encode' before use the passfile. Support of passfile that has unencoded name=value entries will be removed in a future release.

Listing all the destinations on the broker specified by:

Host         Primary Port
localhost    7676

     Name        Type    State      Producers        Consumers                      Msgs                    
                                 Total  Wildcard  Total  Wildcard  Count  Remote  UnAck  InDelay  Avg Size
DataverseIngest  Queue  RUNNING  0      -         0      -         1      0       0      0        509.0
mq.sys.dmq       Queue  RUNNING  0      -         0      -         0      0       0      0        0.0

Successfully listed destinations.

Query destination

murphy:NetBeans pdurbin$ glassfish4/mq/bin/imqcmd -u admin -passfile <(echo imq.imqcmd.password=admin) query dst -t q -n DataverseIngest
Warning [A2016]: Unencoded name=value entry found in passfile /dev/fd/63. Please run 'imqusermgr encode' before use the passfile. Support of passfile that has unencoded name=value entries will be removed in a future release.

Querying the destination where:

Destination Name    Destination Type
DataverseIngest     Queue

On the broker specified by:

Host         Primary Port
localhost    7676

Destination Name                      DataverseIngest
Destination Type                      Queue
Destination State                     RUNNING
Created Administratively              false

Current Number of Messages            
    Actual                            1
    Remote                            0
    In Delay Delivery                 0
    Held in Transaction               0
Current Message Bytes                 
    Actual                            509
    Remote                            0
    In Delay Delivery                 0
    Held in Transaction               0
Current Number of Producers           0
Current Number of Active Consumers    0
Current Number of Backup Consumers    0

Max Number of Messages                100000
Max Total Message Bytes               10737418240
Max Bytes per Message                 10485760
Max Number of Producers               100
Max Number of Active Consumers        unlimited (-1)
Max Number of Backup Consumers        0

Limit Behavior                        REJECT_NEWEST
Consumer Flow Limit                   1000
Is Local Destination                  false
Local Delivery is Preferred           false
Use Dead Message Queue                true
XML schema validation enabled         false
XML schema URI List                   -
Reload XML schema on failure          false

Successfully queried the destination.

Purge destination

murphy:NetBeans pdurbin$ glassfish4/mq/bin/imqcmd -u admin -passfile <(echo imq.imqcmd.password=admin) purge dst -t q -n DataverseIngest
Warning [A2016]: Unencoded name=value entry found in passfile /dev/fd/63. Please run 'imqusermgr encode' before use the passfile. Support of passfile that has unencoded name=value entries will be removed in a future release.

Purging the destination where:

Destination Name    Destination Type
DataverseIngest     Queue

On the broker specified by:

Host         Primary Port
localhost    7676

Are you sure you want to purge this destination? (y/n)[n] y

Successfully purged the destination.

List destinations (to verify the purge was successful)

murphy:NetBeans pdurbin$ glassfish4/mq/bin/imqcmd -u admin -passfile <(echo imq.imqcmd.password=admin) query dst
Error [A3105]: The destination type needs to be specified with the -t option.
murphy:NetBeans pdurbin$ glassfish4/mq/bin/imqcmd -u admin -passfile <(echo imq.imqcmd.password=admin) list dst
Warning [A2016]: Unencoded name=value entry found in passfile /dev/fd/63. Please run 'imqusermgr encode' before use the passfile. Support of passfile that has unencoded name=value entries will be removed in a future release.

Listing all the destinations on the broker specified by:

Host         Primary Port
localhost    7676

     Name        Type    State      Producers        Consumers                      Msgs                    
                                 Total  Wildcard  Total  Wildcard  Count  Remote  UnAck  InDelay  Avg Size
DataverseIngest  Queue  RUNNING  0      -         0      -         0      0       0      0        0.0
mq.sys.dmq       Queue  RUNNING  0      -         0      -         0      0       0      0        0.0

Successfully listed destinations.

See also and

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